Research Practicum
Prerequisites: 75 credits, Approval of Writing Arts Dept. Advisor, and minimum 2.5 GPA
Students apply the theories and methodology learned in Writing Arts courses to a research mentorship with a member of the department faculty. Students keep a detailed log of working hours, prepare a portfolio representative of their practicum experience, write an analytical critique of the practicum, and are evaluated by their faculty mentor as well as the practicum supervisor. May be taken concurrently with Research Practicum II (WA 01312) and/or Research Practicum III (WA 01313).
If a student is interested in doing an independent research project, he or she may do so with the permission of a Writing Arts Department advisor. A student is also allowed to assist in a Writing Arts faculty member's research project. 1.00 Credit Hours WA 01311 The official Rowan catalog entry for Research Practicum I can be found here.
Examples of blogs for How Writers Read, which were created by Reading Group Leaders enrolled in Research Practicum II Fall 2017: