2017 Write Rowan, Right Now! Contest
Do you like the idea of winning a $20,000 scholarship for your writing? Interested in distinguishing yourself as one of the best writers in Rowan’s class of 2021? If so, enter the second annual Rowan University Literary Writing Scholarship contest.
The Contest
The Rowan University Literary Writing Scholarship contest will award scholarships of $20,000 for first place, $10,000 for second place, and $5,000 for third place to high school seniors who apply to and attend Rowan as Writing Arts majors beginning in Fall 2017.
The Process
In addition to applying to Rowan, to enter the Literary Writing Contest, you must complete and submit:
• A short application form, available online here or for download below.
Download File
• A portfolio of 10-15 double-spaced pages (12-point, Times New Roman font) of creative (not academic) writing in fiction, poetry, essay, creative nonfiction, or a mix of genres. You may submit either a single long work or a group of shorter works that best demonstrate their creative vision and skill with written language.
This portfolio must be submitted as a Word doc attachment and sent to [email protected].
• A one-page artistic statement indicating how the Rowan Literary Writing Scholarship will help you to achieve your goals and/or artistic vision.
Winners will demonstrate a mature and convincing combination of originality and artistic discipline. The awards will be made based on the quality of the submitted literary portfolio and the applicant’s artistic statement. Contestant’s potential for success in the Writing Arts major, based on a review of application materials, will also be considered.
Entries for the Rowan University Literary Writing Scholarship are due by Friday April 14, 2017. Winners will be announced in late April.
For more information, contact Jennifer Tole at [email protected]
• A short application form, available online here or for download below.
Download File
• A portfolio of 10-15 double-spaced pages (12-point, Times New Roman font) of creative (not academic) writing in fiction, poetry, essay, creative nonfiction, or a mix of genres. You may submit either a single long work or a group of shorter works that best demonstrate their creative vision and skill with written language.
This portfolio must be submitted as a Word doc attachment and sent to [email protected].
• A one-page artistic statement indicating how the Rowan Literary Writing Scholarship will help you to achieve your goals and/or artistic vision.
Winners will demonstrate a mature and convincing combination of originality and artistic discipline. The awards will be made based on the quality of the submitted literary portfolio and the applicant’s artistic statement. Contestant’s potential for success in the Writing Arts major, based on a review of application materials, will also be considered.
Entries for the Rowan University Literary Writing Scholarship are due by Friday April 14, 2017. Winners will be announced in late April.
For more information, contact Jennifer Tole at [email protected]
The Details
The winners of these awards—judged by Writing Arts faculty—may apply scholarship money within a given year or across years. Winners will be expected to participate in Rowan’s thriving community of creative writers, which includes the undergraduate literary magazine Avant, the Master of Arts literary magazine Glassworks, and the biannual Denise Gess Literary Awards.
All entrants are also encouraged to consider applying as freshmen to Rowan’s accelerated BA/MA program whereby accomplished students earn both a Bachelor of Arts in Writing Arts and a Master of Arts in Writing in just five years while paying undergraduate tuition for graduate courses as a senior, saving a full of graduate tuition and reducing the years spent to degree completion.
All entrants are also encouraged to consider applying as freshmen to Rowan’s accelerated BA/MA program whereby accomplished students earn both a Bachelor of Arts in Writing Arts and a Master of Arts in Writing in just five years while paying undergraduate tuition for graduate courses as a senior, saving a full of graduate tuition and reducing the years spent to degree completion.