Writing Genre Fiction
Spring 2022 | CRN 24102 | T 6:30-9:15 | Enterprise Center
Prerequisite: College Composition II
You voted for it, you got it Writing Arts! Here is the genre writing class you wanted! If you love to write mystery, horror, sci-fi, or fantasy, this is the class for you. Time to sharpen up your sleuthing skills, practice your jump scares, and polish up your favorite D&D characters—or even try your hand at some deep space exploration. In this class, you’ll learn about each genre—its rules, tropes, and conventions—and then learn how to break them. You’ll try your hand at each genre and get feedback from your peers and professor. If you’re looking for your genre people, you will find them in this class.
— Professor Atwood, definitely a genre nerd
3.00 Credit Hours
WA 01404
WA 01404